This mixed media painting represents our reality
an eye submerged in chaos, blending into a chaotic background drowning, hiding, afraid to be seen. Barely noticeable unless someone truly looks for it, this eye represents us.
We are all blending in, disappearing into the chaos and the boxes society has drawn for us. We keep moving forward, trying to live, but no one wants to truly face anything. We’ve become spectators in our own lives; watching each other, watching everything. Watching people suffer, watching fake lives unfold, watching friends turn into strangers. Just watching. Not supporting, not connecting ghost watchers lurking in the background.
The red pupil symbolizes anger and the deep, human desire to be seen and understood. Yet, we are so consumed by our own chaos that we fail to make others feel seen. We’ve lost the meaning of life, the meaning of “real.” We are all hiding, melting into the background, hoping someone will notice us but too afraid to show our true selves.
The eye is melting… How long can we hide in the background before our masks fall off?