“The Sound Of Survival”

“The Sound of Survival” is an emotionally driven

multimedia project that tells the story of a boy who

finds refuge in music while navigating the scars of

trauma. The whole video showcases different mediums

and music genres, portraying how the character

grows up, with each chapter representing a different

stage of his life. The video is edited to feel as though

the character himself is presenting his life to the

audience, featuring computer sounds, pop-ups, and an

interactive narrative structure that draws the

viewer into his world.

Chapter 1, titled “Deafening Cries,” is a 2D animation with a rock soundtrack that focuses on the protagonist’s childhood. It begins with bright colors, representing the innocence and energy of youth, but shifts to black and white when his father’s abuse starts. This visual change symbolizes the impact of trauma and how it alters one’s perception of the world, draining it of its vibrancy. I directed and co-directed this chapter, coordinating with the animation team to ensure that the visuals aligned with the sound and overall narrative. For instance, the original 2D animation was entirely in color, but I suggested turning the part where his father starts screaming into black and white, representing how trauma shifts one’s perception of the world how something once vibrant becomes cold, dangerous, and frightening.

Chapter 2, titled “Extirpate,” follows the protagonist as a teenager, portrayed using a mix of 3D animation and a 2D character. The 2D character is intentionally vague and undefined, symbolizing the uncertainty and lack of identity often experienced during adolescence, especially for those affected by trauma. A metal soundtrack captures the raw anger and confusion of this phase in his life. I coordinated and presented the 3D assets to the 3D animation team. Although the final result was not as polished as I hoped, given our time constraints, it was the best we could achieve. The medium shifted multiple times throughout the project to represent the protagonist’s aging process: starting with 2D animation for his childhood and ending with a lyrical video.

Chapter 3, titled “Through Fog and Haze,” transitions into live action and features an R&B soundtrack. It explores the protagonist’s young adulthood as he navigates parties, breakups, and new relationships. The use of live-action adds depth and realism to this chapter, reflecting the emotional complexity of growing into adulthood.

Chapter 4, titled “Cigarettes to Sunshine,” concludes with a lyrical video, presenting the protagonist as an older man looking back on his life. The simplicity of this chapter underscores the wisdom and reflection that come with age, as well as the comfort he has found through music over the years.

The project opens with a black screen, followed by a brief explanation of the concept. Each chapter is introduced with a pop-up sound and a title card, like “Chapter 1: Deafening Cries,” and transitions between chapters include typing effects and time jumps, for example, “Six years later…” These elements create an immersive and personal experience, giving the impression that the character is guiding the audience through his story.

“The Sound of Survival” is a deeply symbolic and moving exploration of resilience, identity, and the healing power of music. By blending different visual styles and music genres, the project offers a unique and intimate portrayal of one person’s journey through trauma, growth, and self-discovery.

As the sound designer and co-director, I was responsible for ensuring the sound and visuals aligned to provoke the emotions and story we aimed to convey. I also assisted with the sound mixing and played a role in writing lyrics and producing tracks for certain chapters. Later, as my team leader was highly focused on his own vision, I took the initiative to edit the final video, connecting the short films and creating a consistent narrative that linked the story together.

This document outlines the 3D assets I presented to the 3D animation team for Chapter 2. While our original idea was more detailed and involved additional scenes that u can see presented in the document, we had to cut back significantly due to our small animation team and tight timeframe. Despite the limitations, we did our best to create meaningful assets that would support the storytelling and visual style of the project.


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