A Collection Of A cANDLE
A Collection Of A cANDLE
This multimedia ART PIECE was created through a combination of analog materials, such as candle wax, and digital techniques like photo editing and filters. The project challenged me to explore 10 different ways to create a denotative art piece of a random object, with the candle being my chosen subject.
In this piece, I applied a lighter filter to emphasize the candle’s imprint, highlighting its denotative aspect, while casting the abstract portions in a deep purple to create contrast. This experiment with colors and filters was aimed at representing different timelines, where the image of the candle evolves, aging in a visual sense.
On a deeper level, the work reflects the human tendency to focus on the most obvious or literal representations of objects while often overlooking the more abstract or symbolic meanings that can exist beneath the surface. The piece invites viewers to consider the possibility that we may be missing out on the subtler, more nuanced interpretations of life.
The first image on the left is the original analog piece, while the subsequent mixed media works add layers of digital transformation, offering a new perspective on the same subject.